Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 8 of our Whole30

Nothing is good anymore.

I read on the website that around day 4 you have a "Kill All the Things" feeling that you can't shake no matter what.  I fully appreciate this reference, as a huge Hyperbole and a Half fan, but now that I am feeling this way... I would even kill Hyperbole and a Half.  Everyone and everything is my worst enemy.  I just want 3 shots of whiskey, an Auntie Anne's pretzel, and a stun gun so I can hurt all the things without the guilt of killing them.

Today I woke up exhausted & made myself 2 miserable eggs.  The kitchen was horrific looking from Joe rushing out, apparently trying to kill all the things in there.  The Whole30 should be called The WholeDamnHouseIsaMess because it is a full time job to keep up with this insanity, let alone clean up after yourself.

I packed myself a lunch of 1 tuna can, the remnants of our homemade mayo which is now mostly olive oil, and 1 sad looking pickle.

I ate this for lunch begrudgingly, though I did slice up a granny smith apple & toss that into the mix.  I don't know what made put an apple in my tuna, but I have to say, it was the closest to good that I came all day.

I didn't eat anything else, then proceeded to my softball game where I sucked the most terrible suck of my life. The worst part was we played against Team Crossfit, comprised of a group of 15 or so obnoxious, yelling idiots.  They played into the stereotype quite well by yelling phrases made famous by DJ Pauly D and screaming uncontrollably over minor happenings like "Ball 1". Before the game, they prepared to look the part by purchasing neon uniforms and tanning and/or spraying themselves with orange glow. If it was a movie, we would have beat them because total d-bags never win in sports movies.  However, it was not a movie, and we lost, and I came home to eat my pitiful dinner. The only thing that made it worse was that I knew I was eating a meal that they would approve of. If they could see it they would probably chant "Ohhh yeah, eat time, yeahhh" - like Pauly D.

Some ground beef with sauce & half a sweet potato later, I'm sitting here delaying any kind of activity. I told Joe I would sort the laundry but I don't want to.  Our kitchen is a mess and I hate it, but I don't want to do anything about it. Our nice little dishwasher pump broke and I am furious, so I feel that cleaning the kitchen will only draw my attention further to it.

Tomorrow is another day.  Another 24 hours of wtf am I going to eat. 22 more days, but I can't just quit.  I can't quit 8 days in even knowing that there are >2.5 more 8 day periods to go.  I hate you, Whole30. I hate you.

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