Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 1 of our Whole30® (Yes, I said ONE)

For shame. . .

Our good friends getting married = getting together with people we don't see very often =  alcohol & debauchery.  OK, to be fair, we could have avoided the alcohol.  In fact, I did avoid it for what I consider to be a very respectable amount of time. I didn't drink at all at the rehearsal dinner, during the 3 hours between the ceremony and wedding, or even for the first hour of the wedding. As the Whole30 would say, I didn't HAVE to do anything and it's not "hard" to just refrain, but you know what - shut up, Whole30. I chose to do it.

Throughout the night, I drank ~2.5 glasses of red wine.  After the first glass, it was like I was already hung over.  I had an instant headache & felt pretty crappy. Of course that didn't stop me, though. Besides, if I didn't drink people would totally think I'm pregnant. I can't have that, right? So after 1.5 more glasses, my inhibitions were lowered. I took a bite of wedding cake. That bite of cake made me feel like I just broke out of prison.  Once I was free, I proceeded to eat a cookie & a bag of "veggie chips" (which are really just potato straws). I mean once I cheated with the alcohol, I figured I might as well get my fill of non-Whole30 food while I could.  Looking back on my choices though, I could have done a little better. Cheating with Veggie chips? Wow, good one. <sarcasm> How will I ever go without those for another 30 days </sarcasm>

I'm not even going to guess how much Joe drank.  He was in the wedding, though. What kind of groomsman doesn't drink? I think even the strictest Whole30-er would agree that it's pretty freaking lame not to toast your friends at their wedding when you're in it, eh? And sometimes when you have friends like ours, a toast = 8-12 beers and a few Jager bombs.

Anyway, now that I'm done justifying it, I'll come right out and say it: We're a couple of weak sauce cheaters.  However, we're redeeming ourselves by owning up to it and starting back at Day 1.  We kept our diets completely clean today and even stocked up on good meats & fruits at Costco this afternoon.

Was it worth it?  I'd say so.  Sure it's 13 extra days of Whole30-ing, but otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten this sweet picture:

Don't judge me, Whole30.

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