Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 10 of our Whole30®

Joe's Meals

Breakfast: 3 eggs, salsa and a banana
Snack: baba ganoush, broccoli & carrots, kiwi
Lunch: 1 cup organic baked chicken, half sweet potato w/ 1 tbs coconut oil + cinnamon, more baba ganoush, broccoli, & carrots
Snack: Almond butter & celery
Dinner: 8 oz cod & acorn squash (baked w/ olive oil, garlic & lemon) w/ 2 tbs coconut oil

Joe reports that he was less hungry today thanks to his preparedness. He also talked to Tim, his paleo advisor / best friend / best man. Tim noticed a lack of fats in Joe's diet attributed to "fear of fats".  Joe assured Tim (and me) that he is not, in fact, afraid of them. It is a bit tricky to get enough fats in our diet especially since the nuts we try to buy all have peanut oil in them (wtf?). We'll stick to the oils / avocados & just pay more attention to it.

Amanda's Meals

Breakfast: 2 eggs & a spoonful of almond butter
Lunch: Baked chicken wrapped in romaine + cantaloupe
Snack: grapes & an apple
Dinner: 8 oz cod (baked w/ olive oil, garlic & lemon) + acorn squash

Ah, day 10 and another night of the kitchen looking like hell.

Today I still felt like being terrible to everyone around me, but at some point I realized I had tons of energy.  I came home and p90x'd because I felt like I could do 100 pull ups (I know now that I can't . . . but I had that feeling).  In other news, my mosquito bite is still tiny & did not wake me up. Lastly, I wore a pair of pants today that have never fit me in my life.  Overall, I'm pretty pleased.

Tonight was our marathon cooking night (again.), so Joe made homemade mayonnaise, soup from the past 3 chicken carcasses we baked, and I made another breakfast casserole. This time we used chicken sausage, a leek, and frying peppers.  The homemade mayo that Joe made this time is MUCH better than last time. I'll post the recipe he used because it deserves to be shared.  Delish. The bone marrow broth / soup contains chicken skin, which we later learned contains mostly omega 6's (damnit). But we're eating it anyway cause it's really not that serious.

Things seem to be looking up.  We're in the double-digit days now, so only a short eternity left. Goodnight, Whole30.

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