Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 4a of Our Whole30

Joe's Meals

Breakfast: eggs n'at
Dinner: Hamburger w/ homemade BBQ sauce + half a sweet potato

Amanda's Meals

Breakfast: Egg casserole
Lunch: Ground beef mixed w/ sweet potatoes and Eggplant+asparagus w/ sauce (?shit's getting real weird on the lunch menu.)
Snack: Blueberries, spoonful of almond butter
Dinner: Hamburger w/ homemade BBQ sauce + half a sweet potato

First to air a few things out... 

1. I didn't blog about Day 3a.  No worries - I stuck to the Whole30 without cheating. But honestly, Day 3a feels like eons ago at this point and there is no way I can accurately describe how it went.  Sorry Day 3a, but you are dead to me.

2. As you may have noticed, I am not entirely sure what Joe is eating these days.  He goes to school full time, gets home around 9 or 10PM, and we go to bed shortly after. He's been exhausted, I've been sick... so we haven't been talking about what he's eating.  This Whole30 business is old hat to us at this point, so whatever he's eating, you can bet your ass it's a meat, a veggie, a fat, or a fruit.

Now that I've got that stuff off my chest, I can get to the meat of blog: Day 4a. I think & hope that Day 4a is the peak of my sickness. So overall, I feel awful. I don't have much of an appetite, I'm pretty sure I look like an infected person, and that I'd be feeling this way Whole30 or not. Joe, on the other hand, is still as healthy as ..... what's the comparison?...... an ox?  ......Are oxen known for their health?  Where I grew up, they were known for drowning after attempting to ford the river on the way to Oregon. Anyway, he attributes his health to the fact that he played in the dirt as a child.  Apparently, in matters of the immune system, the Whole30 is no substitute for being a dirty little child.

That's all for today. I'm hoping this sickness passes me by so I can get back to reporting more on the Whole30. Good riddance, Day 4a! 

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