Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1: Like a boss

Whole30 Day 1 down, and going strong. I guess I can't be too proud since this is my 4th or 5th Day 1... but practice has made perfect I suppose.

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs & Coffee (black, of course)
Lunch: Saurkraut and sausage
Dinner: Burger, brussel sprouts, + Mashed sweet potatoes w/ coconut oil
Snack: 1/2 banana, Apple

I do need to do some grocery shopping and cooking tomorrow after work, which are two of my least favorite activities. I need to get some greens for salad & sides, nuts for snacks, and some ingredients for a recipe. I'm planning on trying out these "Whole30 Burritos" that I saw, where my favorite part (the flour tortilla) is replaced by a bell pepper. I have no expectation that I can trick my mouth into thinking pepper = tortilla, but I like the idea anyway.

I have a work trip coming up on Jan 5th where I'll be living in a hotel for 4 days -- I'm trying to start now researching and thinking ahead of how to make that trip work during a Whole30. Luckily, I'm very familiar with the area and know of a couple restaurants nearby my hotel with some Whole30-friendly options.

Someone recently asked me for any tips on successfully completing the Whole30, and the first one that came to mind first was this: You really need a go-to "emergency plan" for times when you fail on food prep. You can absolutely avoid sweets / convenience foods unless you're super hungry and literally have nothing else at your disposal.

An example of this for me was if I didn't have any breakfast food pre-made, and had to leave for work without time to cook. In that case, there was a Pilot gas station on the way to work which sells single bananas/apples and a pack of 2 hardboiled eggs. Some people are grossed out by the 2 pack hardboiled eggs (sold as most bigger gas stations), but those people should get over it because they're convenient and delicious. In fact, they're usually even better than the ones I make at home. If you're really in a bind and only have time for a drive-through, some of them sell apple sauce squeeze packets (Go-Go's) which don't have any sweeteners, artificial ingredients or preservatives. Obviously that won't hold you over for a whole day, but it's a fine snack until you can get your hands on something more substantial.

That's all for me tonight -Adios! to my good buddy Day 1 and "... oh, hey" to my frenemy, Day 2.


  1. Love your blog. My family went Paleo a year ago and I had never heard of the Whole30. My sister turned me onto the book and now our Family (me, husband and 2 kids) plus my sister - PLUS my parents, are doing our first whole30 starting on the 5th. For Christmas my gift to my parents was 30 days of cooking them breakfast (they live directly behind us) plus 14 dinners (with leftovers for lunch everyday)!!! I am so excited they are willing to try (they have a bazillion health problems) but a bit overwhelmed about what I have gotten myself into! Wish me luck!!

    1. That's SO awesome! Even though you'll have bigger quantities to cook, think having all of your close family eating the same way will make it much easier on you. I've been trying to get my parents to try it as well, but haven't convinced them yet.

      I guess I shouldn't wish you luck, since luck implies to me that something out of your control could make or break things for you - "Oh, how unlucky... A cookie fell from the sky directly into my mouth. Bad, bad luck just ruined my Whole30..." :)

      So since luck won't do you as much good, I wish you strong, strong will power!! You got this!!!
