Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here I go again, in 2015!

Oh hi, blog... This isn't easy to say so I'm just gonna get straight to the point. That last Whole30 didn't last past day 3. I know it's shocking since I seemed so upbeat and on the right track the last we spoke...

Ok, for real though, no one (myself included) is surprised that I bailed on day 3. Let's move on.

So I thought to myself, what idea is more new and interesting than starting a completely new lifestyle on New Years Day! The answer: Just about every idea is more new and interesting than that. But this is my blog and I never said it was gonna be new and interesting, did I?

I know New Years resolutions are so cliche and rarely achieved, but consider the circumstances... I have a co-worker who has been interested in doing a Whole30 and it just so happens that we've both collided at the same exact time in our willingness to actually do one, and it just so happens it's also the day before January 1st 2015. In addition, 2 days before January 1st my aunt came out of nowhere offering me a ton of Whole30-friendly groceries (coconut flour, oil, & milk), because she bought them and didn't like them.  The universe is double dog daring me to do this Whole30 by 1) making it align perfectly with new years resolution time 2) providing groceries 3) providing the Whole30 buddy system to keep me accountable. Now, this blog also keeps me accountable but as I've learned, I can ignore the blog. If I don't talk to it... sure I feel guilty, but as days go, and the blog guilt dissipates until I forget all about it.

I definitely can't ignore / avoid a co-worker who is over there suffering the same Whole30 beginning pains as I am. I definitely can't lie to her like "oh no, I totally didn't go to Arby's today... Just a whole lot of escarole and nitrate-free chicken over here", because that's how I sound when I try to lie ... like a liar.

So for the past 3 days I've been preparing for this Whole30 in a combo of good ways and bad ways. Good things: I've been making myself eggs in the morning instead of eating cereal bars. Bad things: Yesterday I went to TGI Fridays and ordered some kind of Jack Daniel's sampler / fried mess of goodness with a margarita. Every time I know I'm starting a Whole30 (or a Whole2-3 as it's gone...) I act like it's my last meal at every opportunity beforehand. What a transformation I've made since my last Whole30 where I used to rave about veggie salads. I remember actually feeling anxious about Day 30 like "what if I don't want to stop!?" Now I can't even START!

Well anyway, wish me luck blog. I'll still be using you as Whole30 therapy in the weeks to come. Happy New Year!


  1. Pleeeeeeeze stick with your Whole30 journey this go-round! I just discovered your previous W30 blog and, lo-and-behold, here you are again, starting at the same time I'm starting my first W30! I could definitely use the daily inspiration, as I am already feeling stressed out!

    1. Thanks Kelly! I am definitely sticking with it this time -- I'm determined!! As a Whole 30 Day 1 veteran, I handled it like a pro today... It's Day 3 that usually has me like :-/

      Definitely let me know WHEN (not IF) you finish and how great you feel. Believe it or not, I bet you'll feel stressed out about STOPPING the Whole30 even more than you feel stressed about continuing it if you stick it out :)
