Breakfast: 2 eggs and some sweet potatoLunch: Nectarine, almonds, walnuts
Dinner: Scallops, Arugula salad w/ mayo/olive oil/spices dressing, Kale & Tomato side
Snack: Idk yet, but there will probably be something in this category :)
Zomg there is only one day left... Tomorrow is DAY 30. Like I mentioned in my last post, I don't have any plans to completely abandon my new eating habits, but I also don't plan to stick to them 100%. Some things that won't change:
- Leafy greens & veggies will remain a staple
- Yikes, our farm share ends in 4 weeks, so I guess we'll have to buy 'em :(
- We're still going to bake whole chickens & use them for lunch meat / bone broth soup
- We're still going to stay away from things that come in a wrapper or has been processed to the point where its ingredients are beyond recognition.
- We're going to limit grains to ~2 servings a week or so
- We're going to keep eating different kinds of fish throughout the week
- Still no fake sugar & diet sodas. I've kicked the habit, so no point in bringing it back.
- Still no dairy, but that's just cause I already know I'm allergic.
That said, I still want a Pizza Hut pizza. And it will be mine.
Tonight's dinner, lookin' delish. |
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