Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 14a of Our Whole30®

Joe's Meals

Breakfast: 3 eggs w/ tatsoi, brocolli, peppers, onions
Lunch: ground beef, coleslaw
Dinner: Peppers stuffed with ground beef, leeks, garlic, pepper, tomatoes topped w/ homemade tomato sauce + salad w/ roated beets.
Snack: coleslaw, squash raviolis, almonds, cantaloupe, Coconut water

Amanda's Meals

Breakfast: same as Joe
Lunch: banana w/ almond butter
Dinner: same as Joe
Snack: almonds, coconut water

Day 14a was a big cooking day.  Joe pretty much cooked the entire day, hence the snacking.  We made more homemade sauce, mayonnaise, squash raviolis, coleslaw, cabbage & onion soup, roasted beets, & stuffed peppers.

This was Joe's 3rd time cooking the bone broth soup & I guess the 3rd time really is the charm.  He got it to turn out perfectly this time. He thinks the trick was making sure he removed all of the fat from the bones.  

I took a picture because this dinner was fantastic!

We got really excited yesterday because we found some chocolate at the grocery store with NO added sugar! So of course we bought it, and .... it was absolutely terrible.  Turns out, neither of us like chocolate... we like sugar. Go figure.

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