Whole30 Day 1 down, and going strong. I guess I can't be too proud since this is my 4th or 5th Day 1... but practice has made perfect I suppose.
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs & Coffee (black, of course)
Lunch: Saurkraut and sausage
Dinner: Burger, brussel sprouts, + Mashed sweet potatoes w/ coconut oil
Snack: 1/2 banana, Apple
I do need to do some grocery shopping and cooking tomorrow after work, which are two of my least favorite activities. I need to get some greens for salad & sides, nuts for snacks, and some ingredients for a recipe. I'm planning on trying out these "
Whole30 Burritos" that I saw, where my favorite part (the flour tortilla) is replaced by a bell pepper. I have no expectation that I can trick my mouth into thinking pepper = tortilla, but I like the idea anyway.
I have a work trip coming up on Jan 5th where I'll be living in a hotel for 4 days -- I'm trying to start now researching and thinking ahead of how to make that trip work during a Whole30. Luckily, I'm very familiar with the area and know of a couple restaurants nearby my hotel with some Whole30-friendly options.
Someone recently asked me for any tips on successfully completing the Whole30, and the first one that came to mind first was this: You really need a go-to "emergency plan" for times when you fail on food prep. You can absolutely avoid sweets / convenience foods
unless you're super hungry and literally have nothing else at your disposal.
An example of this for me was if I didn't have any breakfast food pre-made, and had to leave for work without time to cook. In that case, there was a Pilot gas station on the way to work which sells single bananas/apples and a pack of 2 hardboiled eggs. Some people are grossed out by the 2 pack hardboiled eggs (sold as most bigger gas stations), but those people should get over it because they're convenient and delicious. In fact, they're usually even better than the ones I make at home. If you're really in a bind and only have time for a drive-through, some of them sell apple sauce squeeze packets (
Go-Go's) which don't have any sweeteners, artificial ingredients or preservatives. Obviously that won't hold you over for a whole day, but it's a fine snack until you can get your hands on something more substantial.
That's all for me tonight -Adios! to my good buddy Day 1 and "... oh, hey" to my frenemy, Day 2.