Saturday, September 6, 2014

Whole30 Pregaming

So today is NOT the first day of my Whole30, but as my earlier post alluded, I'm gettin' real. Part of the gettin' real pregame is food journaling. Without it, I can sneakily eat and drink whatever I want and get away with it (at least until I try on my too tight pants).

So even though I didn't Whole30 today, I did record what I ate. Time to spill the beans:

Breakfast: I woke up and didn't have breakfast because I had to go straight to my grandma's house. When I got there, they had donuts. I wasn't going to eat one, but they started trying to feed donut cream to my baby. The crazy things that people do with babies is a whole different blog, but I can't tell you how many people try to give her cake, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, pizza -- and they don't ask, they just do it. So that I didn't have to deal with "Why can't she have it?!?! What do you mean?! Look how much she likes it!" I took the freaking donut and I ate it myself. It was a bold move. Not a Whole30 move, but I'm not having a donut-eating, constipated baby. I'm not proud of a donut breakfast, but overall I feel pretty justified in this decision.

Lunch: I took my "Before" pictures around lunch time. I made salmon, green beans and carrots. Later on, I had some meat sauce that Joe made. No spaghetti, just the sauce. Rock on.

Dinner: Joe made chicken and brussel sprouts. All was looking good. UNTIL... I got a text from my mom that said "Just got here with Little Caesar's".

Side note - Joe and I have been living in the upstairs of my parents house now for about 5 months. I would gain 3 pounds just coming home for a weekend, no problem. So you can imagine what 5 months later is like. 

When I went downstairs, not only were there 2 delicious Hot n' Readys, but also a pan of chocolate chip cookies and 2 pans of heavenly looking chocolate muffins. Un-freaking-believable. So, I had a piece of pizza. I justified it in my head by thinking about how I didn't have any beer and how I wouldn't eat a muffin OR a cookie. So if I just had ONE out of FOUR bad things, it's only 25% bad. On top of that, I would only have a little bit of pizza, and Amanda yesterday totally would have had way more than that. I don't know, it made sense while I was eating the pizza.

So on the negative side... I had half a donut and some pizza today. On the positive side, I didn't have any alcohol and I did eat some veggies. I'll say I broke even.

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of football season. I know there is always an excuse for drinking and eating crappy but football Sunday is among the best excuses I can think of. Wings, Pizza, and Beer...! If I don't have a drink, how am I gonna relax a little and not refresh my fantasy football score every 20 seconds?

Last year, I was pregnant during football season, so I definitely didn't partake in the drinking aspect of it. I guess missing only a month isn't as bad as missing the whole season, eh? *sigh*.

Joe told me that I should put some apple juice in a whisky glass on ice so that I still have something to sip on. He said that as he was drinking a Yeungling right in front of my face. Apple juice on ice while I watch football... what am I a 12 year old boy? *sigh again*. I'll probably end up trying it.

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