Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Update on Day 2

I have a horrible headache. My EYES are throbbing. Joe said it's the sugar dragon trying to get in any orifice he can. I feel like I just got mugged in a back alley by the Day 2 thugs.

Joe tried to convince me that because we have beer in the fridge we should drink it tonight because otherwise it will sit in the fridge for a month. Very convincing argument, but I didn't concede.

Also, my sister made chocolate chip cookies. They were sitting in a pan downstairs, and I touched one of them like a big creep.

I can't even sit up while I type this. If someone said I had to get up right now or else I had to lay here for the next 28 days of the Whole 30, I'd go with option 2. It'd be the easiest decision I've made all week.

I just Googled "typical Whole30 Day 2" and found this: http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/

I was a little comforted when I saw that during Day 2-3 or "The Hangover" phase, it's typical to get headaches. But then I saw the next TWO phases being "Kill all the things" and "I Just want a nap". Great, something to look forward to. In fact, scrolling through the phases, I really don't see much at all to look forward to. There's a Pants not fitting phase, an I'm so over this phase...

And there are cookies downstairs. Did I mention that there are freaking cookies downstairs right now?

Well, thanks for rendering me unable to get up and walk down the stairs right now, Day 2. I see what you did there.

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