Monday, June 2, 2014


If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything, right? So here's a compliment for me: I am sooo great at breaking promises to myself!

Clearly, I have not been tracking my diet (and I totally promised, cross my heart, pinky swore that I would!). All it takes is another Monday after a weekend of bad decisions, and I'm back to feeling guilty.

You know what sucks about considering The Whole 30 Round 2? In round 1, I was all "how bad could it be?! I'll try anything once!" In Round 2... I know exactly how bad it can be. I know how broke I can be, how hungry I can be, how nothing is ever convenient anymore. I know *exactly* what it's like, and this is one time when the devil you know is *not* better than the devil you don't. I'd rather go on a 30 day cleanse drinking pomegranate juice all day every day than start another Whole 30 right now -- because there's a chance that it won't be as annoying, hard, and inconvenient.

I guess I shouldn't bash the Whole 30 so much... After all, I did write this blog and was singing its praises by the end. But, as I sit here eating my 2nd cookie of the day, I'm like...who even wrote this blog and where did she get all that arugula?  Nobody has that much arugula.

*Sigh* I need something to motivate me... Something positive, or maybe a consequence? Here is what I'm thinking: I will track my diet every day, as evidenced by my blog posts, or else I have to _____.

So there's a question... What do I not want to do, BUT will actually make myself do if I don't follow my own rules? Here are some ideas:
  • Donate some large amount of money to a charity. It has to be big enough that I will miss it, but not so much that I won't be able to make my bills (of course). Maybe a charity that I don't even care to support? Maybe I'll just donate it to the government? (lolz)
  • Deactivate my Facebook account for 1 month. Including Candy Crush -- yikes. I kind of like this one because it'll probably actually be a good thing for me to do.
  • A Whole 30 - This one might not pass the test of "will actually make myself do"...
That's all I got. I'll sleep on it tonight and decide what it's gonna be tomorrow.


  1. I hope you finish your second Whole30. I will finish mine (my third hard reset in 2 years) September 18th. The same day you finished your first Whole30. Your right, the second time is a lot harder. But, I find your blog hilarious, so put down the cookie and and start typing!

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I needed that. The cookie is officially put down, and the keyboard is officially out for typing. Good luck in your final week. It's smooth sailin' for you from here!
