Thursday, June 5, 2014

Amanda 30 Day 2

So yesterday was my second day, and I'm starting to think that the instant gratification of eating whatever I want trumps the guilt that I feel having to tell my blog about it. Here's what I mean:

Breakfast: piece of bread with pb&j on it
Lunch: hamburger, sweet potato, cole slaw
Dinner: a lot of Doritos, some chips + salsa, some steak + mashed potatoes + corn
Snack: A kit kat bar, 2 beers

This is pretty deplorable, and I know I'm missing some random snacks that I just forget about.

I haven't really been getting out for walks either. My morning routine is basically wake up and rush to the computer to get started with work, which isn't too satisfying. Overall, not much to be proud of in my lifestyle.

 If at first you don't succeed, try try again, eh? I think its definitely safe to say that at first, I've not succeeded.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Amanda30 - Day 1

If Joe can invent the Joe30, then I can invent the Amanda30. Here's what I want to do:

I will write in this blog to record my goals, successes, failures, food diary, workouts, and generally what's on my mind for 30 days. I'll do this 5 days a week for the next month. I'm giving myself two days off because... everyone needs 2 days off. What if my internet goes down? It could happen.

I honestly thing that the mere act of recording what I eat will cause me to make better decisions. I already know what are good & bad decisions, but right now I make them with no consequence. Believe it or not, having to write down that I ate a whole bag of Doritos is a consequence. If I know I have to reflect back on that later and "own up to it"... I'll probably just steer clear of those Doritos altogether.

I'm going to record my progress and see if writing it down really makes a difference. Even if I allow some cheats here and there, will I still be better overall? I'll record my weight, analyze my average # bad choices per day / week, and maybe some other fun things. I don't have "before" numbers for things like that, but that's ok with me.

For every week that goes by without 5 entries -- I go 1 week without Facebook (!!) For every week that goes by with 5 entries, I get a special treat of my choosing for the week. I don't know what yet, but I am sure that I'll think of something.

This week, I'm thinking about food. I absolutely hate cooking. I don't even enjoy eating what I cook afterward because 1) It usually doesn't taste that great and 2) I am so bitter about having cooked that I can't be satisfied. I want to try to find ways that I can cook as little as possible, with as few messy dishes, and the smallest time commitment -- but still be healthy. The easiest thing to do is resort to cereal or some kind of snack bar, but there have got to be other things that I can get in the habit of doing.

This week, I'm also thinking about $dollars$. I don't want to spend a small fortune Whole30'ing again. I need ways to save on things that I might be spending too much on now so that maybe I would have a little extra for Whole30-like options.

I'm going to ruminate on these topics. In the meantime, here's my food journal for the day:

Breakfast: 2 Eggs
Lunch: Hamburger without bun, sweet potato, coleslaw
Dinner: broccoli, chicken, & rice
Snack: half a cupcake, the other half of the cupcake, tuna, labat blue light (3?)

* Items in red are things to be ashamed of.

Monday, June 2, 2014


If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything, right? So here's a compliment for me: I am sooo great at breaking promises to myself!

Clearly, I have not been tracking my diet (and I totally promised, cross my heart, pinky swore that I would!). All it takes is another Monday after a weekend of bad decisions, and I'm back to feeling guilty.

You know what sucks about considering The Whole 30 Round 2? In round 1, I was all "how bad could it be?! I'll try anything once!" In Round 2... I know exactly how bad it can be. I know how broke I can be, how hungry I can be, how nothing is ever convenient anymore. I know *exactly* what it's like, and this is one time when the devil you know is *not* better than the devil you don't. I'd rather go on a 30 day cleanse drinking pomegranate juice all day every day than start another Whole 30 right now -- because there's a chance that it won't be as annoying, hard, and inconvenient.

I guess I shouldn't bash the Whole 30 so much... After all, I did write this blog and was singing its praises by the end. But, as I sit here eating my 2nd cookie of the day, I'm like...who even wrote this blog and where did she get all that arugula?  Nobody has that much arugula.

*Sigh* I need something to motivate me... Something positive, or maybe a consequence? Here is what I'm thinking: I will track my diet every day, as evidenced by my blog posts, or else I have to _____.

So there's a question... What do I not want to do, BUT will actually make myself do if I don't follow my own rules? Here are some ideas:
  • Donate some large amount of money to a charity. It has to be big enough that I will miss it, but not so much that I won't be able to make my bills (of course). Maybe a charity that I don't even care to support? Maybe I'll just donate it to the government? (lolz)
  • Deactivate my Facebook account for 1 month. Including Candy Crush -- yikes. I kind of like this one because it'll probably actually be a good thing for me to do.
  • A Whole 30 - This one might not pass the test of "will actually make myself do"...
That's all I got. I'll sleep on it tonight and decide what it's gonna be tomorrow.