Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 1 of Something.

Well, it's been over a year (closing in on 2?) since my last whole30 and WOW did I ever fall off the wagon! To be fair, I was very Whole30, even up to 6 months after we officially ended. But as time went on... I should be ashamed!

I think I have some pretty good excuses for my wayward behavior. 1) I got pregnant. While I ate pretty healthy throughout my pregnancy and gained the right amount of weight, there was no way I wasn't giving into those chocolate cravings. 2) I had a baby which makes cooking the absolute bottom of my priorities. 3) Breastfeeding made me SO FREAKING HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! Even more so than when I was pregnant. Now, that's not a a GREAT excuse to eat junk, but ... it was MY excuse.

Anyway, due to my semi-ingrained Whole30 habbits, I haven't slid back into a big weight gain or anything, but I know that if I don't do something soon, I'm gonna have to buy ANOTHER new wardrobe, and this time it's not gonna be fun. I'm still wearing the same clothes, but my jeans are starting to feel just a *little* on the tight side. That's the worst!

I'm still debating on what to do. Should I Whole30 again? I can't seem to muster the same motivation that I had when I was without a baby to take care of. I can't imagine all the cooking and more messes ALL over again!! Just typing all these "I can'ts" is kind of embarrassing me already. Ok Ok, I can... I just don't want to enough!!

The past 5-6 Sundays I've said "tomorrow is the Whole30". Joe just laughs at me now, but I have to be serious one of these times! Today is Monday and so far I've eaten 2 bowls of cereal, green beans, sausage links, and some mixed nuts. Not TERRIBLE except the cereal...

I think the biggest thing about this blog is that I need something to be accountable to. So before I make any rules or decisions about Whole30ing, I know my first rule -- I'm going to record my habits - eating, exercise, whatever -- in this blog -- every day without fail. Maybe knowing that I have to admit to my bad habits every day will make me a little less likely to give into those temptations. Here's hoping! I'll be back later tonight with the first day of record :)

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